AITrack: Deep analysismeets real ROI

AITrack by Bureau Veritas - Sustainability Intelligence
AI-powered sustainability intelligence solution trusted by the world’s largest organizations.
Measure: AITrack provides in-depth product and company footprints, for carbon, water and 2,000 other topics, covering internal operational impacts, supply chain impacts and impacts related to the use and end of life of products. Insights are accessible to stakeholders within and outside the organization, at all levels, including: Investor Relations for ISSB/TCFD reporting, Corporate Sustainability for CDP and CSRD reporting, R&D for product development, Sales for customer footprint reporting, Facility Management for improving operational impacts. Each user has personalized, secure access to the platform.
Pinpoint: Because AITrack uses detailed life cycle models for every product sold and item purchased, hotspots can be pinpointed and linked to over 400,000 specific industrial and agricultural processes. Based on localized information and drilling deep down into the supply chain, AITrack enables collaboration with suppliers, customers, product development teams, investors and other stakeholders to reach common environmental impact mitigation goals.
Project: Forecasting and understanding physical and financial risks for the next decades is impossible without good data. AITrack uses peer-reviewed scenarios giving various stakeholders clear visibility on risks. Our analytics are used for both high level and detailed planning: for reporting risks to investors, all the way down to evaluating future supply chain or facility risks.
Plan: What if you could quickly understand multiple scenarios that impact your bottom line as well as your ability to reach societal targets? Whether you are in product development, sales, finance, or sustainability, AITrack assesses numerous scenarios with ease. With the detail to measure the effect of different mitigation strategies — down to swapping materials used in the manufacturing of a specific component.
Reduce and remove: AITrack enables users to quickly compare thousands of mitigation opportunities. We use peer-reviewed scenarios to provide visibility on risks and guidance on the best use of resources to reach set targets. With its ability to prioritize hundreds of mitigation initiatives, AITrack is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come.
Report: AITrack simplifies CDP, CSRD, ISSB/TCFD/SASB, GRI and many other reporting frameworks. No need to reformat and recalculate when switching from footprinting to reporting — AITrack presents all results formatted accordingly, giving you a detailed, accurate picture.
Scroll over the figure below to find out the value of AITrack for
various internal and external stakeholders

Corporate Level Insights:

Corporate Level Insights:
Develop a high-return strategy with an integrated and financially-driven understanding of impacts, costs and "risks".
Ratings and rankings improve significantly when companies:

1) Assess their cradle-to-grave impacts and related costs

2) Use this information to develop science-based initiatives that have positive societal and bottom-line impacts.
Science-based, cradle-to-grave risk assessments and mitigation strategies enable organizations to stay ahead of the curve when dealing with regulators.
Customers are more likely to buy products that can demonstrate lower cost of ownership and reduced damage to human health and the environment.
This approach communicates to stakeholders that the company is fully integrating sustainable thinking into its core business practices. Stakeholders are put at ease that the company is not greenwashing but rather is leveraging science and finance to identify and actively address the most material environmental and social issues.
Shareholders can understand costs and risks of societal impacts, both today and in the future. Note that AITrack follows the frameworks set by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures as well as by national / multilateral institutions (e.g., SEC disclosure requirements in the US).
Procurement staff can understand how societal impacts affect their current and future costs and risks of specific supplies. They and have the data to pro-actively engage with suppliers to reduce both current and future costs and risks.
Giving product development teams the ability to understand the environmental and social impacts of product and material choices is usually the most effective way to reduce an organization’s cradle-to-grave impacts and their related costs. It also enables a growth mindset to look at societal issues in terms of product development opportunities.
Operations are able to focus on initiatives that truly reduce both societal and operational costs. Projects are prioritized in terms of financial effectiveness and efficiency taking into account operational uncertainties.
Finance departments can quantify, in financial terms, the value created by sustainability initiatives, not only for society but also for the organization’s bottom line and the bottom line of its suppliers and customers.
Employees are inspired by companies that integrate sustainability thinking into core operations; thus, aligning business and societal objectives.
Sales staff can express the benefits of products and services in terms that customers care about; not only reduced societal impacts, but also reduced total cost of ownership.
A SaaS solution that enables the world’s largest organizations to report their societal impacts, set targets, plan mitigation initiatives to reach their objectives and boost analyst rankings.

Division Level Insights:

Implement financially-driven sustainability solutions designed for procurement, sales, reporting, finance and product development.